My Services
I have been in practice as a herbalist, naturopath and homoeopath for over 25 years. I offer a wholistic range of services aimed to enhance your well-being.
The consultations will involve taking a thorough case history from you, reviewing your blood test results, your medications, your current diet and lifestyle. By the end of the consultation we will come up with an individualised treatment plan specifically tailored for you.
I have experience and clinical expertise in a wide range of conditions including hepatitis C, HIV, cancer, skin problems, weight management, digestive disorders, stress, anxiety, depression, heart disease, diabetes, alcohol and drug addiction to name a few.
I am keen for you to take ownership over your health and wellbeing by taking up simple achievable strategies that can become part of your everyday self-care aimed at moving you towards the health and wellbeing you would like to achieve

Herbal Medicine Consultations
Herbal medicine aims to support your vital energy (vitality), treat you as a whole person not just and organ that is behaving badly, focus on the causes of the problem rather thatn just the symptoms and indivdualise the treatments so that a herbal prescription is tailored to meet your needs.

Naturopathy Consultations


Homoeopathy Constultations

Nutrition Assessments

Individualised Treatments Plans

Dietary and lifestyle Recommendations

Stress reduction strategies: including emotional freedom technique.
Some signs of stress – How do I know I am stressed?
Stress depletes the nervous system and may manifest in the following self- observable signs:
general irritability, hyperexcitation or depression
pounding of the heart, an indicator of high blood pressure
dryness of the throat and mouth
overpowering urge to cry or run and hide.
inability to concentrate.
feelings of unreality, weakness or dizziness
tendency to become fatigued.
free-floating (non-specific) anxiety (afraid although you do not know exactly what you are afraid of)
emotional tension and alertness (feeling of being ‘keyed up’)
accident proneness
trembling, nervous ticks
grinding of the teeth
insomnia, sleep disturbances and nightmares
frequent need to urinate.
diarrhoea, indigestion, queasiness in the stomach and sometimes even vomiting.
migraine headaches
loss of or excessive appetite
increased use of prescribed, over the counter or other drugs including alcohol and cigarettes
Seyle H. (1978). The Stress of Life (Revised edition) USA-McGraw-Hill Book Co
When stress becomes prolonged or habitual, the effects of the ongoing response can be a real threat to the body’s proper functioning.
Stress reduction involves exercise, regular sleep, relaxation techniques such as meditation and self-hypnosis, listening to music, talking to friends, hot baths, massages, yoga and if you need to, talk to a professional. Qi Gong, Tai Chi, breathing classes, meditation and yoga can all assist the parasympathetic nervous system, the part of the nervous system which helps you to relax and unwind.
Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an emotional healing technique. It is also known as Be set free fast (BSFF) and involves a sequence of tapping points on the body to help release sadness, resentment, fear, anger, emotional trauma and self-blame.
Don’t wait to make the shift to a more holistic approach

My Practice
Newtown Business Centre
1 Erskineville Road,
Newtown NSW 2042
Make an Appointment
Phone 0414 453 243 or click on the button below.
Open Hours
Call for available hours.